Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Broadcaster Highlights July 6,2010

From the Pastor:

A number of years ago Norman Cousins wrote an editorial in the Saturday Review in which he reported a conversation he had on a trip in India. He was talking with a Hindu priest named Satis Prasad. The man said he wanted to come to our country to work as a missionary among the Americans.
Cousins assumed that he meant that he wanted to convert Americans to the Hindu religion, but when asked, Satis Prasad said, “Oh no, I would like to convert them to the Christian religion. Christianity cannot survive in the abstract. It needs not membership, but believers. The people of your country may claim they believe in Christianity, but from what I read at this distance; Christianity is more a custom than anything else. I would ask that either you accept the teachings of Jesus in your everyday life and in your affairs as a nation, or stop invoking His name as sanction for everything you do. I want to help save Christianity for the Christian.”
Have we become so unlike the Jesus to whom we make our profession of faith? Ghandi said one time after visiting this country, “I like your Christ. I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.” Where have we gone wrong? Is it possible that we need to return to the very basic tenets of the Christian walk? “Religion that God the Father accepts as pure and without fault is this: caring for orphans or widows who need help, and keeping yourself free from the world's evil influence.” (James 1.27 – NCV)

Grace and Peace,

We’re almost there!

Summer Back Pack Program:

The 3rd delivery is scheduled to happen tomorrow, 7/6 we’re almost past the halfway mark! We need 80 more boxes to finish our goal FOR THE SUMMER folks—that’s it!
Don’t forget, if you’d like to donate funds we now have it set up and you can contribute to the fund as part of your regular tithe, or see Katie Jones or
Patti Hemphill. Be sure to check out the side bar on the right hand side to see what it's all about!


Special Luncheon

The Membership Committee is sponsoring a special luncheon on Sunday , July 18th following the Morning Worship Service to honor and to:

Formally welcome the Stamper’s home;
Welcome the Frasier family to FCC and to Erwin;
Thank David and Donna Roberts for their time here.

This will be a light catered luncheon to give you the opportunity to fellowship and get to know our new comers!
Everything will be provided so come and enjoy!

July Birthdays

Toby Gardiner-14th
B. J. Moore-14th
Michael Edwards-17th
Larry Rosolina-22nd

July Anniversaries

Jack/Beverly Britt-20th
John/Jo-Lynn Martin-20th

Thank you…

Memorial gifts given in memory of Aaron Stamper
to the Memorial Fund and/or
the Aaron Stamper Scholarship Fund.

Phil/Carolyn Guinn
Julie Whitlock
M/M David Roberts
M/M Gene Bowman

This Sunday, July 11

Speaker…....….Tim Stamper

Sermon Title
“What Do We Know For Certain?”

Sermon Text
I John 5:11-13

Patti Hemphill

Communion Meditation
Tracy Moore

Shelton Thompson;
B. J. Moore

Lee Hemphill; Jody Moore;
Tracy Moore; John David Sneyd; Jerry Whitt

Communion to shut-ins
B. J. Moore; John David Sneyd

Communion Preparation
Lori Alexander

Seth and Katie Jones

1st hour……...Janie Whitson
2nd hour…......Janie Whitson

Sunday School
2’s-4’s…………. Jody Moore
K-1st………….Kathy Eunson
2nd-5th……….. Becky Moore
6th-……………. Angie Moore

2-5 yrs…..……...Angie Moore
1st-5th……………. Sanctuary

Service Times
Sunday School…….. 9:45 am
Morning Worship….10:45 am

Wed. Bible Study….. 7:00 pm
Wed. Youth………….7:00 pm

Contact Information

Church Office Phone


On the Web:

Office Hours:

Or 423-743-4222
Youth Min……423-743-5338

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