Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Braodcaster May 25, 2010

My apologies for not posting a news letter last week! I'm still not quite used to all the avenues I now use to get the news letter out.....thanks for your patience!

Below is an excerpt from Andrea Stamper’s post on the Caring Bridge website on Sunday May 23rd if you have access to a computer and would like to read Aaron’s journey go to: www.caringbridge.org/visit/aaronstamper

I like to think I’m a smart girl. I have an almost obsessive need to understand. I rarely read fiction, but if you give me a book on history, science, or philosophy I will dive right in. When I am unable to understand something it really bothers me. It’s one thing if I am disinterested and choose not to take the time to try and understand it, but if I have a vested interest in something, I just think it should make sense.
I have a vested interest in my brother, a child whose days have been cut short. I have a vested interest in cancer, the disease that did the cutting. What I don’t have is the ability to understand it. I have researched this disease. I have read the works of those doing the clinical research with more credentials, degrees and fellowships than I even imagined possible. Do you know what I learned? They don’t understand it either.
When I first learned there was nothing else they could do for Aaron I was angry. Let’s be real about it, I am still angry (among other things) and I will probably continue to be so for some time. But, initially I did not want to go out and see the other children at St. Jude—the children that were being healed, cured even. I was afraid I would resent them. I learned quickly that it’s hard to resent a child overcoming some of the greatest odds.  It’s hard to look at a happy, bald-headed toddler with a scar across his head and not be overwhelmed by the idea that research and medicine have come this far. For that, I am not angry… I am grateful!
I will always treasure this past year and the time I’ve been able to spend with my brother. I will always support St. Jude and be grateful for the incredible work and research taking place. I will always mourn with the families for whom the research hasn’t presented an answer in time. I will always continue to try and understand.
For now, I have to accept that it’s ok not to understand. It’s ok to wish, hope and pray for healing on earth even knowing that isn’t likely to come. It’s ok to have no idea which emotion will come out next. It’s ok to grieve. It’s ok to be sad. It’s also ok to praise the God of Heaven that the pain and suffering we endure on this earth is only temporary and sometimes it’s ok to feel a little relief when the suffering ends. It’s simply ok. 
My prayer now is that one day, because of the strange course Aaron’s cancer took, a child facing the same obstacles will not relapse—that their family never has to hear “there’s nothing else we can do.” I pray that one more family is spared a premature loss because of something learned in this past year. I pray that one day, someone will understand. I pray that God grant us acceptance until that understanding comes.
What I want you to know is that even when his breathing is at the most labored, he doesn’t seem to notice. He is comfortable.  His pain is being managed and he is not suffering in any intense way. God is indeed protecting him from the misery that can accompany this phase for now. The decline is rapid and unstable but our God is steady.
I will do my best to keep you updated from here.
In love & Christ,


The 5th Sunday Hymn Sing has been changed to June the 6th due to the holiday weekend.

The Office will be closed
the week of 6/7 and will resume normal office hours the week of 6/14. I will be on vacation!! There will be an “inbox” on my desk if you need to leave something that needs my attention.
There won’t be a Broadcaster on Tuesday 6/8

AT 9:00AM

This is a special invitation to all men and boys from the ladies of the Christian Circles. We will prepare an old fashioned country breakfast to show our appreciation to you. There will be lots of great door prizes! Please plan to attend!
Reservation slips will be available in the foyer on 5/30, 6/6 and 6/13. Please fill one out and drop it in the offering plate. Or you may call the
Church Office. Guests are welcome...

Joyce Robinette, Stamper Family, Betty Gouge, Mitzi Gwaltney, Doris Johnson, Beverly Britt, Sandy M. Heritage, Levi Gardner, Jackie Duncan, Terry Jarrett, Billie Flowers, Lou Thornberry, Jack/Norma Ingle, John Marr, Maurice Love, Ramona Gouge, Kira Whitson, Gene/Gladys Bowman, Denise Ray, John Martins father, Jack Britt, Tim Bennett, Marilyn Brown, Martha Hartsell, Spencer Moore, Kathryn Sparks
TEAM AARON! For updates check out: www.caringbridge.org/visit/aaronstamper
Erwin Health Care – Beulah Morris
UCMH Long Term Care – Ruth Marie Masters, Edyth Price,
Helen Miller
Center On Aging –Jo Jackson; Ken and Agnes Kerns
Pine Oaks Assisted Living – Pete Harvey
Appalachian Christian Village-Lois Stamper
North Side Hospital-Polly Miller
Christian Care Center-Ruth Evans
Shut-ins-Charles Flowers, Joan Hicks,

FCC will once again sponsor a hole for the ETCH 6th annual Golf Tournament.
The cost is $50.00 per person, that could be less depending on how many play! For details or to sign up call the office or speak with Ron Hicks
by July 11th, 2010.

Weekly Memory Verse
“And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Counselor to be with you forever-the Spirit of truth.” John 14:16-17a, NIV

Kris Rosolina-1st
Ginger Matson-6th
;) Lee Lee Honey Bee-7th
(Lee Hemphill)

Happy Anniversary to:
John David/Sally Ann Sneyd
June 11th

Dear First Christian Church,
Thank you for the flowers that were sent for our mother’s service.
We appreciate your remembering
Her in this way.
Judy Webb & Mary Scott Carley

Summer Back Pack Program:

The original number of children was 120. Guess what? It’s now 158!! The need is great and we are doing sooooo good!
We are fine for the 1st delivery date. We’re almost there for the 2nd del. Date but with the increase in children everyone is set back a bit...keep on bringing the cereal in! Don’t forget, if you’d like to donate funds we now have it set up and you can contribute to the fund with your regular tithe, or see Katie Jones of Patti Hemphill..THANK YOU!

Work Project
The Property Committee is in the process of restoring our Youth Parsonage and needs help with this large undertaking.
There is a sign up sheet in the foyer, any time you can volunteer to this project will be appreciated!

This Sunday, May 30

Speaker…..….David Roberts

Sermon Title
“Stones for Memorials”

Sermon Text
Joshua 3:14-4:7
I Samuel 7:10-12

Tracy Moore

Communion Meditation
Shelton Thompson

B. J. Moore; Shelton Thompson

John David Sneyd; Jerry Whitt; Jared Shoemaker;
Jody Moore

Communion to shut-ins
B. J. Moore; John David Sneyd

Communion Preparation
Angie Moore

Lori Alexander

1st hour……Gail Thompson
2nd hour…...Gail Thompson

Sunday School
2’s-4’s…………. Jody Moore
K-1st………….Kathy Eunson
2nd-5th……….. Becky Moore
6th-……………. Angie Moore

2-5 yrs….……Sandy Whitson
1st-5th……………. Sanctuary

Service Times
Sunday School…….. 9:45 am
Morning Worship….10:45 am

Wed. Bible Study….. 7:00 pm
Wed. Youth………….7:00 pm

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