Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Broadcaster July 20, 2010

From the Minister:


The Center for Missional Research states that we are closing between 3,500 and 4,000 churches a year. This same research also indicates that we need to be starting about 13,000 churches a year just to keep up with the population growth. On average we are starting about 3,300 churches. It’s not rocket science to see that we are not even replacing the churches that are closing.
Those statistics should trouble us and we should begin to think about how to reverse this decline. The first thing we need to do is make sure we don’t become a casualty. So, WE ALL need to pray that the Lord would lead us to revitalization.
I am a great fan of sports comebacks, be it football, basketball, or baseball. It is exhilarating to watch a team or individual rededicate themselves to whatever discipline is necessary to play at a high level again and win. This is the reason a little book caught my attention sometime back. It is entitled Comeback Churches. It is practical advice from over 300 churches that have gone from declining or closing churches to become vibrant growing congregations. Is it easy to make a comeback? NO! Is it worth it? YES! It’s time to make the COMEBACK!

Grace and Peace,

Check it out at: www.fccerwin.org
It’s new and there is more to come, this is only the beginning!!
The blog will stay active for the time being...

Prepare for:

Sunday, August 29, 2010 has been set aside as our annual Missions Sunday. All offering collected on 8/29 will go into the Missions Fund and the Missions Committee will select a mission or missions to receive this special blessing.
Prayerfully consider your tithe, we’re so blessed in this county.

Can you believe it’s almost time for the


Sunday, August 8th, will be the day—Appalachian Christian Camp in Unicoi will be the place!

We will eat at 5:00pm but come early to PLAY!!

The dinner is pot luck so bring your favorite covered dish.
Drinks, plates, utensils, serving pieces and bug spray will be provided. Tables are also provided for your dining comfort!
Frisbees, volley ball and soft ball are available.

Following the meal we will have several rounds of BINGO, with PRIZES!

This is our Church family summer get together, it will not be complete with out

August B-days

Jerry Whitt-1
Charles Flowers –2
Jean Mauk –2
August Anniversaries

B. J. and Betty Moore-3

Thank you…
In Memory of Aaron to the Aaron Stamper Scholarship Fund

Marjorie Williams

If you’d like to read the Christian Standard or the Lookout, there are some older issues available in the foyer.
If you’d like more see me!

P. Hemphill

Joy Circle Meets
Thurs., Aug. 12
Hope Circle Meets
Thurs., Aug. 19
Love Circle Outing
To be announced

JULY 15TH 2010

Speaker….…..David Roberts

Sermon Title

“More Than Those Who Wait For Morning”

Sermon Text
Psalm 130:1-8

Lee Hemphill

Communion Meditation
Beverly Britt

Shelton Thompson;
B. J. Moore

Lee Hemphill; Jody Moore;
Tracy Moore; John David Sneyd; Jerry Whitt

Communion to shut-ins
B.J. Moore; Lee Hemphill

Communion Preparation
Lori Alexander

Seth and Katie Jones

1st hour...….Sally Ann Sneyd
2nd hour…...Sally Ann Sneyd

Sunday School
2’s-4’s…………. Jody Moore
K-1st………….Kathy Eunson
2nd-5th……….. Becky Moore
6th-……………. Angie Moore

2-5 yrs……...…Suzie Hughes
1st-5th……………. Sanctuary

Service Times
Sunday School…….. 9:45 am
Morning Worship….10:45 am

Wed. Bible Study….. 7:00 pm
Wed. Youth………….7:00 pm

Contact Information

Church Office Phone


On the Web:

Office Hours:

Or 423-743-4222
Youth Min……423-743-5338

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